Tsungfrūve (math blog)|
Mathematics Sorceror
- Computation and applications of Mathieu functions: A historical perspective by Chris Brimacombe, Robert M. Corless, Mair Zamir: I connected Robert Corless with Tom Cuchta for table typesetting acrobatics
- Peter Dilworth's synth music:E7 Song 20 and E4, cover art
- New York City Hypogeographies by S. Donovan, cover art
- Experiments with plane-filling curves and Fourier transform by Dmitry Shintyakov
- Fractions, Fractals, and Thue-Morse Sequences, by Matt Mcirvin: part 1, part 2, part 3
- Studies in Whatevernessless in Somnotica, Issue 1
- Subsurface Currents of The Cosmic Ocean something of the point of,..., but there isn't a,
- Chainmail Homopolymers of Platonic Solid Skeleta in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$
- a place to put code (new)
- Theta series of Lattices associated with Hyperbolic Tilings Also incomplete. I could find no integer sequences in the oeis that appear to correspond to these series, nor could I find a Conway and Sloane analogue for hyperbolic sphere packing which appears to include these theta series.
- Arcs of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ and other Dirichlet L-functions $L(\chi,s)$ (warning: incomplete, because I haven't reimplmented the Dokchitser L-function calculator in cuda)
- Large Scale Structure of the Legendre Symbol
- Message in a Bottle written in Ixchel's eurhimde-Hued Glyph Calligraphy uncompressed original
- Phase Portraits of Mock Theta functions
- Phase Portraits and Fractals of Theta Functions
- Some Explorations in Visual Group Theory Videos of all the Cayley tables of groups of order 128 and 576.
- The Swift Luminescent Energy Drink of the Psyche, or, When Goorialla Whirls and Whorls and Roars, Newton's method fractal of the third Jacobi theta function theta3(z,q) for |q| ~ 0.90190165617299947
The Sprott Decoder translates some Sprott codes into attractors. github
- But We Have Learned Patience in Two Hundred Million Years A piece I wrote for Stone Soup poetry. The title is from the movie The Brain Eaters and was sampled by the Orb in the track “Valley” in Orbus Terrarvm
- List of Complex Dynamics Researchers/Specialists with highlighted papers I'm currently doing a literature survey in complex dynamics and chaos, which mostly means snarfing any papers researchers have put up in pdf form and putting them into Mendeley.
- Laser Etched Julia Sets
Bounty: I am offering a bottle of whisky to anyone who can successfully
translate Jacob Lurie's
Higher Topos Theory (and/or
the stacks project) into
analytic combinatorical language of the manner of Flajolet's
Analytic Combinatorics.