#include #include #include #include /* GFDL, or whatever. use it. */ /* l is the variable used to index the string in the Sprott Code Legality Test */ int l; /* the coefficients array, thirty long */ /* temporarily out of the water for the memory allocation test */ /* type definition of point */ typedef struct { double x; double y; double z; } point; /* definition of transformation function */ /* this is necessary so that we can write shorthand like T(q), where the */ /* argument of the function q, and its return value are both points */ /* the current point and the next point */ point current, next; /* iteration count variable */ int bboxitercount; /* bounding box ranges */ double xmin,xmax; double ymin,ymax; double zmin,zmax; /* bounding box spans */ double xspan, yspan, zspan; /* bounding box centers */ double xcen, ycen, zcen; /* bounding box radii */ double xrad, yrad, zrad; /* maximum bounding box radius */ double maxrad; /* 768 by 768 array for displaying the results of the computation */ int display[768][768]; /* m and n, integer variables for indexing display */ int m,n; /* iterations count for the main plot */ int plotiter; /* display x and display y coordinates for the projections */ int dispX, dispY; /* file declaration for attractor filehandle */ FILE *file; /* integer variable for order */ int order; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* ##### block 1: Sprott Code Legality Testing ##### */ /* step one: check the number of arguments */ if(argc!=2) { printf("This program takes one argument:\n"); printf("the attractor codes from chapter four\n"); printf("of Julien Sprott's book\n"); return 0; } else { /* the second argument should be a thirty long */ /* string of all capital letters. This should be */ /* sanity tested now */ if((strlen(argv[1])!=30)&&(strlen(argv[1])!=60)&&(strlen(argv[1])!=105)&&(strlen(argv[1])!=168)) { printf("Sprott code is not 30, 60, 105, or 168 characters long\n"); printf("entered Sprott code is of length %d\n", strlen(argv[1])); return 0; } else { if((strlen(argv[1])==30)||(strlen(argv[1])==60)||(strlen(argv[1])==105)||(strlen(argv[1])==168)) { for(l=0;l97) { printf("Character in Sprott code out of range\n"); printf("please check your Sprott code\n"); return 0; } else { printf("character %d of Sprott Code is legal\n", l+1); } } printf("The entire Sprott Code is legal\n"); } else { printf("an impossible condition has occurred"); } } } /* block 1a: generate the order parameter from the length of the entered Sprott code */ /* dynamically generate the coeffs array here */ if(strlen(argv[1])==30) { order=2; } if(strlen(argv[1])==60) { order=3; } if(strlen(argv[1])==105) { order=4; } if(strlen(argv[1])==168) { order=5; } double * coeff = calloc(strlen(argv[1])+1,sizeof(double)); /* ##### block 2: Sprott Code Parsing: turn the Sprott Code into numbers ##### */ /* we can reuse l from the first section because we're also doing a thirty long */ /* index. This time we know the index's length, since execution would have stopped */ /* if the Sprott code string weren't legal */ for(l=0;lxmax) { printf("iteration %d: xmax increased! bounding box has changed from:\n",bboxitercount); printf("iteration %d: [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f] to [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]\n",bboxitercount,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,xmin,next.x,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax); printf("iteration %d: bounding box volume changed from %f to %f\n", bboxitercount, bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax), bboxvol(xmin,next.x,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)); printf("dboxvol: %d %f\n", bboxitercount, bboxvol(xmin,next.x,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)-bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)); xmax=next.x; } if(next.y>ymax) { printf("iteration %d: ymax increased! bounding box has changed from:\n",bboxitercount); printf("iteration %d: [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f] to [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]\n",bboxitercount,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,xmin,xmax,ymin,next.y,zmin,zmax); printf("iteration %d: bounding box volume changed from %f to %f\n", bboxitercount, bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax), bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,next.y,zmin,zmax)); printf("dboxvol: %d %f\n", bboxitercount, bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,next.y,zmin,zmax)-bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)); ymax=next.y; } if(next.z>zmax) { printf("iteration %d: zmax increased! bounding box has changed from:\n",bboxitercount); printf("iteration %d: [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f] to [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]\n",bboxitercount,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,next.z); printf("iteration %d: bounding box volume changed from %f to %f\n", bboxitercount, bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax), bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,next.z)); printf("dboxvol: %d %f\n", bboxitercount, bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,next.z)-bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)); zmax=next.z; } if(next.x100.0) { printf("iteration %d: Bounding box volume is greater than one hundred.\n",bboxitercount); printf("iteration %d: ABORTING EXECUTION\n"); printf("iteration %d: bounding box volume is %f\n", bboxitercount, bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)); return 0; } current=next; } printf("################################################\n"); printf("10 MILLION ITERATIONS COMPLETE:\n"); printf("After 10 million iterations, the bounding box is [%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]\n",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax); printf("The volume of the bounding box is %f\n", bboxvol(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)); /* calculate the spans from the bounding box data */ xspan=xmax-xmin; yspan=ymax-ymin; zspan=zmax-zmin; /* calculate the radii from the spans */ xrad=xspan/2.0; yrad=yspan/2.0; zrad=zspan/2.0; /* calculate the center from the radii and the bounding box data */ xcen=xmin+xrad; ycen=ymin+yrad; zcen=zmin+zrad; printf("x span: %f, x center: %f, x radius: %f\n", xspan, xcen, xrad); printf("y span: %f, y center: %f, y radius: %f\n", yspan, ycen, yrad); printf("z span: %f, z center: %f, z radius: %f\n", zspan, zcen, zrad); /* Now we have collected the data, we are ready to make a cubical bounding box which */ /* contains the bounding box we're interested in looking at as a subset. */ double max(double a, double b, double c) { if((a>b) && (a>c)) { return a; } if((b>a) && (b>c)) { return b; } if((c>a) && (c>b)) { return c; } } maxrad =max(xrad,yrad,zrad); printf("maximum radius is %f\n", maxrad); maxrad = maxrad + 0.001; printf("increased maxrad by 0.001 to %f\n", maxrad); /* Since I'm a signatory to the Variable Nonproliferation Treaty */ /* I'm going to reuse xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin, and zmax now */ xmin=xcen-maxrad; xmax=xcen+maxrad; ymin=ycen-maxrad; ymax=ycen+maxrad; zmin=zcen-maxrad; zmax=zcen+maxrad; /* announce the news */ printf("Bounding cube parameters for "); printf(argv[1]); printf(" calculated:\n"); printf("[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]x[%f,%f]\n",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax); printf("with center at (%f,%f,%f)\n", xcen,ycen,zcen); /* ##### block 5 plot the attractor in the given bounding box ##### */ /* note: current and next are wonderfully pre-seeded, and we'll just do ten million iterations below */ /* first, seed the array to be eight bit white */ for(m=0;m<768;m++) { for(n=0;n<768;n++) { display[m][n]=255; } } /* using plotiter to count the plot iterations */ for(plotiter=0;plotiter<15000000;plotiter++) { next=transformation(current); dispX= (int) (768.0*(next.x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)); dispY= (int) (768.0*(next.y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin)); /*THIS IS THE DISPLAY ROUTINE! */ if(display[768-dispY][dispX]>0) { display[768-dispY][dispX]=display[768-dispY][dispX]-1; } else { display[768-dispY][dispX]=0; } current=next; } /* finally, save the plotted array to a file */ file=fopen(argv[1], "a"); fprintf(file, "P2\n768 768\n255\n"); for(m=0;m<768;m++) { for(n=0;n<768;n++) { fprintf(file,"%d\n", display[m][n]); } } return 0; }